The Mangean Troupe toured Australia in 1912-13 with Bud Atkinson’s Circus & American Wild-West Show. When Atkinson went broke early in 1913, his artists took what work they could find in order to pay their fares back to San Francisco. The Mangean Troupe had no difficulty landing engagements in vaudeville theatres. Here is how they were received at the Melrose Theatre, in Perth, WA, in April 1913:
“A notable first appearance at the Melrose last evening was that of the Mangean troupe of American acrobats, comprising four gentleman and two ladies. Their somersaulting on to one
another’s shoulders was characterised by remarkable facility, and their tumbling generally was excellently done. The act is all the more meritorious in that the troupe use none of the stage apparatus usually requisitioned by acrobats. Specially excellent is the work of the youngest male performer. The newcomers had a good reception, and were several times recalled. “ – Daily News, 8 April 1913, p. 7.