The Tivoli Circuit was Australia’s largest vaudeville circuit. This program dates from 1923 and features “The St Leon Trio in Sensational Acrobatics”.
Everyone’s, 23 May 1923, report
[The St Leon Trio] playing the Tivoli, Sydney, provide an act replete in thrill, interest and genuine merit. Everything they do is done in a most thorough manner, with no pretence at “stalling”, a habit so general with acrobatic performers. The trio was with St Leon’s Circus for many years and the members decided during the winter season to try out their act on vaudeville. With what success is self-evident. It is more than pleasing to note that the St Leons are 100% Australian, and it is also a tribute to their own particular worth to note that, so far as is known, it has never been excelled on the vaudeville stage in this country.